11 Proven Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant


Whether you’re the founder of a fast-growing startup, an executive at a well-established firm, a first-time small business owner, or a professional service provider, hiring a virtual assistant to delegate business tasks is a cost-effective way. to increase your success.

To help you decide if this is the right solution for you, this article will dive into Top 11 Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant

1) Focus on activities that drive your success

God ServiceNow Job Status Report I found it, On average, managers spend an average of 16 hours per week on administrative tasks and other jobs that do not require their authority or expertise. This is a huge loss of productivity that slows down your progress on key projects.

The number one benefit of hiring a virtual assistant is that it allows you to focus on the activities that drive your success.

Offloading all your time-consuming and tedious administrative tasks frees up plenty of time for you to improve your strategic projects and build key relationships.

Virtual assistants can handle the repetitive tasks like:

  • Appointment scheduling and calendar management
  • data entry
  • Receives phone calls
  • travel planning
  • Managing social media accounts
  • Internet research

read more: Do you need a virtual assistant?

2) Reduction of recruitment and employee costs

Although the average salary of virtual assistants is similar to entry-level in-house employees, you have no recruiting costs or incentives, saving your company thousands of dollars.

A study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that it costs an average of $4,129 to fill jobs. This cost includes:

  • The time spent creating job listings
  • Fees for advertising on job boards
  • Awareness to attract candidates
  • The time spent reviewing resumes and interviews
  • background check fees
  • Various employee-related expenses are specific to the hiring processes of an individual company

In addition, companies spend thousands of dollars more per employee on training, employee benefits, health insurance and benefits. Hiring virtual assistants allows you to avoid all these costs and pay fixed monthly salaries for the work you receive.

Plus, since your virtual assistants work remotely, you don’t have to worry about any of the operating costs of working out of a physical office such as office space, furniture, or a computer system.

These are just a few of the ways you can save money over hiring full-time employees.

read more: How much does a virtual assistant cost?

3) Gain access to a vast pool of knowledge

One of the benefits you can only get when you hire virtual assistants through a managed virtual assistant service like Prialto, as opposed to an independent contractor is that you have access to a vast pool of knowledge that helps drive your ROI.

For example, we support clients in industries ranging from transportation to fintech to real estate who have given us knowledge in a wide variety of tools and processes.

If your virtual assistant doesn’t know how to do something you ask them to, they can turn to their colleagues and get internal training.

You can also leverage the collective knowledge of services to drive initiatives including:

  • Setting up a new CRM and training your virtual assistants to keep it up to date
  • Streamline your task manager and task management work
  • Improving your sales pipeline management
  • Create processes so your virtual assistant can take on more complex projects
  • Designing workflows for data entry

To access these benefits, simply let your Engagement Manager know what you want to achieve and they will initiate the application.

4) Scale your support up and down based on your business needs

If your business needs ebb and flow throughout the year, hiring a virtual assistant is the most cost-effective solution because it’s easy to scale up and down as needed.

During your busy season, you can quickly double or even triple the number of virtual assistant support hours you receive. Once your business slows down, you can lower your costs by reducing the amount of support you pay for.

5) Never go a business day without support

When your in-house assistant is out of the office, you must cover their workload until they return. Not only is the sudden lack of support stressful, but it can also severely impact productivity and work-life balance.

That’s why one of the biggest benefits of hiring a virtual assistant for a managed provider is that you get backup support.

From the day you come on board, a backup virtual assistant is trained alongside your primary VA, so whenever they’re sick or on vacation, you still get the same quality of support.

6) Achieve a better work-life balance

Delegating management tasks to the right virtual assistant gives you more time to engage in the activities and people you love.

In addition to adding extra time to your days, your virtual assistant can help you achieve a healthy work-life balance by making room in your schedule for personal priorities.

Here are some of the ways our members use their VAs to balance their calendars:

  • 45 minute reservation for lunch
  • Ensuring that their last meeting of the day ends in time for them to have dinner with their family
  • Booking appointments for training
  • Taking control of their social media management so they spend less time on social media

Just let your virtual assistant know what your priorities are and she will fit them into your schedule.

Virtual assistants work hard to take over your management tasks so you can focus more on what you want, such as your physical and mental health, business growth or optimizing your free time in your personal life.

read more: Work-life balance makes you more productive. Here’s why

7) Save time by letting someone else train your VA

One of the main reasons we hear that busy managers and business owners don’t leverage administrative support is that they don’t have time to manage an assistant.

With a managed service approach, you don’t have to. For example, at Prialto we assign all our clients an Engagement Manager who drives your processes and guides your VA.

Whenever you want your virtual assistant to improve something or you want to download a new project, just let them know and they’ll make sure your feedback is acted upon.

All of our virtual assistants also have team captains who monitor the quality of their work and give them feedback on how to continually improve.

8) Experience minimal effect from the cycle

Good virtual assistants help your productivity. When an in-house assistant moves on, it may take several months to find a good replacement and step them up. This gap in support greatly hinders your productivity.

An often overlooked benefit of hiring a virtual assistant is that you experience turnover less often, and when it does, your engagement manager ensures you have a smooth transition.

Here at Prialto, we have a strong company culture and incentive programs that ensure low turnover.

However, our VAs will occasionally go through so we have processes in place to minimize the impact on our customers and ensure they never go a business day without service.

9) Improve your brand image online

Virtual assistants can play a crucial role in improving your brand image and online presence, attracting more customers and increasing how your business is viewed online.

Help with marketing and management in social networks

A virtual assistant can manage your social media profiles, communicate with your audience, share content relevant to your industry, and monitor online conversations about your brand on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other social channels.

reputation management

Virtual assistants can monitor online reviews and feedback on third-party sites such as Google Reviews or G2, respond to customer concerns or raise them with you, and help maintain a positive brand image.

Help with content creation

By helping you produce high-quality content such as blog posts, email marketing newsletters, or infographics, virtual assistants can help improve your website’s SEO ranking, drive more traffic to your online channels, and increase your lead generation goals.

While they probably won’t excel at writing your content for you, your virtual assistant saves you time on all the other necessary tasks like designing, editing, publishing, and scheduling it.

10) Streamline your decision-making processes

Hiring a virtual assistant can contribute to more effective decision-making in your organization by collecting data, conducting research and providing valuable insights.

market research

Virtual assistants can conduct market research to help you better understand your target audience, competitors, and industry trends, allowing you to make informed decisions about your business strategies.

Data Analysis

By collecting and analyzing data from various sources, your assistant can help you identify patterns, trends, and opportunities that can impact your decision-making process.

Reporting and documentation

Virtual assistants can create detailed reports and documents, consolidate vital information to support decision-making, and keep your team informed and aligned.

11) Improve employee satisfaction and performance

Research found that American workers spend about 38% of their time on management work that does not require their status or expertise. This has a huge negative impact on their business productivity and, in many cases, job satisfaction, as high performers resent working on tedious tasks.

Virtual assistant support is an effective way to increase the performance and satisfaction of your high performers by allowing them to spend almost all of their time on projects that drive their success in their core business areas.

We support many sales, recruiting, marketing and operations teams who have seen significant improvements in productivity and morale since hiring virtual assistants to handle their tedious tasks.

The benefits of hiring a virtual assistant are clear

Hiring a VA offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly impact the success and growth of your business.

From cost savings and increased efficiency to offloading your routine administrative activities and accessing specialized skills, most virtual assistants have the potential to revolutionize the way you run your day-to-day business operations.

As the business landscape continues to evolve, embracing the power of virtual assistance can help you stay ahead of the curve, adapt to changing circumstances, and maintain a competitive edge.

From small business owners to management teams at Fortune 500 companies, virtual assistants offer benefits to individuals and teams alike that drive businesses forward.

If you’re interested in streamlining your processes, improving productivity, and expanding your business capabilities, consider partnering with Prialto Managed Virtual Assistant and experience the benefits firsthand.

Learn more about what it’s like to work with Prialto Virtual Assistants. Get in touch to set up a conversation.
