2 Easy Ways to Deal With Employment Gaps in Your Remote Resume


If you are a mom at home, you know how difficult it can be to try to apply for jobs with gaps in your employment. Even if you are No If you stay at home, you may have employment gaps from being a caregiver to someone, or even because of traveling for a while, which is amazing by the way.

life happens! But that does not mean you can not pursue your dreams to apply for your DREAM job and win an interview.

I started just like you. I was just an ordinary girl, who loved to travel, and I worked in my corporate American job – I did not hate it, but I did not really like it either.

I was sitting in my cell, I could not help but think, “This is it? Is that all there is in life now until we retire? Work long hours and Maybe Is it allowed to take a two-week vacation? “

I knew there just had to be more to life than that.

So, I retired.

Now, in the last decade, I have helped Thousands Of people just like you to fulfill their dreams of working successfully from home as a virtual assistant in my course 90 days VA, All while being able to travel the world with my family.

With that being said, I want to share a few solid Tips with you that can help you deal with these employment gaps in your remote resume, so if you have a lot of relevant experience for the remote jobs you are applying for but you have some employment gaps, you will still be able to achieve it.

Okay, let’s dive straight in! With my own experience as a recruiting manager for my Virtual Assistant Internship Company, these are the things I love to look for:

Change your resume for each position you apply for

You really need to research what exactly this job is looking for and make sure your resume uses the keywords that the job description tasks have added.

Just because they are looking for a “marketing manager” and your resume says “marketing manager” does not mean that it is enough. Your resume really needs to match what they are specifically looking for.

Bonus tip: Have a resume for each type of job for which you are applying (e.g. a resume or two for a virtual assistant jobs and a separate resume for project management jobs). That’s how you got much less Match your resume for each position you apply for.

Bonus Tip BonusA: If you have experience in your resume that is irrelevant to the positions you are applying for, take it! No one wants to hear about your two years of customer service at Target unless you are applying for a customer service job. Just take it out. Rearrange your resume to highlight the skills that jobs are really looking to employ you for.

Work from home, mom, resume to work remotely

2. Bridge the gap

If you have really long employment gaps and relevant experience, never put your resume “stay at mom’s house”. It is unprofessional and irrelevant.

What you can do is somehow bridge the gap with maybe some volunteer work, travel (this is actually a great option), running a parent-teacher program at your child’s school, independent side projects for your family’s business, managing a social media account for your friend’s store , Or even freelance work for your business.

There are a lot of options, and if you think well enough, I’m sure you can find some kind of tasks you have done that work perfectly to bridge the gap in your resume.

Be creative about the things you really did, and sit down and brainstorm on these tasks without having distractions. Once you have done that, adjust them so that they are relevant to the job.

For example, travel does not mean that you just walked … what did you do while traveling? Did you write? Doing photography? Organizing trips? Travel planning? What did you do that suited the position for which you are applying? This rule applies to everything.

Finally, make sure that all of your most relevant experience is at the top of your resume.

Woman working bed form staying at home Mom working remotely Virtual Assistant

And that’s it!

I want to help you not be afraid of the “employment gap”.

If you have relevant experience, recommendations and portfolio pieces that will back you up, that’s all that interests people nowadays. They just need really “quality” people who have relevant experience, no matter how much gap you have in your resume.

There are so many companies that just want good people and they really have Hard Time to fulfill their duties for remote jobs. That should tell you how huge the number of jobs out there are waiting for you.

So stop with just not applying for jobs that you are to do Suitable for something, And you may just need help understanding the matter. And that’s it Okay!

That’s exactly what I wrote 90 days VA; It can help you bridge that gap, and even help you learn how to build new and relevant skills for the job of a virtual assistant that you may not yet have.

My free class is always available for you to start getting real results right now. Thousands of people have already started the journey successfully and are living their dreams. It could be you too!

Begin! knock Here To check out my free master class.

2 easy ways to deal with employment gaps in your remote resume pin

In 90 days of VA, Esther teaches her students how to research and recreate up-to-date blog content for the VAI website. Dawnae is the student we chose this week to present what she learned in the course. Get to know her:

Dawnae is a virtual assistant here to relieve business owners of tedious tasks and help them focus on running the business of their dreams.

When she is not helping businesses manage their content and doing other managerial tasks, she loves to sing in church and hang out with her loved ones.

She is a member of 90 Day VA and helps with everything from email management to social media management and more!

To see all the services she offers and how she can help you, check out her website Here.
