7 Ways to Use An Incredible Tripwire Upsell Offer in Your Funnels


Upselling can be an incredibly effective marketing tool in your funnel, allowing you to increase your average order value and generate additional revenue. When someone becomes a lead, they’ve already shown interest in your business, but the only way to separate those prospectors from buyers is to ask for the sale! There is a big difference between a free lead magnet and a core product offering. stated that it is difficult to get someone to switch from a free offer to a high-priced offer; This is where tripa wires shine.

Warming people up by upselling through tripwires can help lead customers to purchase products they may not have initially considered or even been aware of. This may be the first step to them becoming paying customers without asking much of them.

Today, we’ll discuss what exactly a trip wire is, why you need one, how a load wire differs from a lead magnet, where and when to offer a jump wire, the best types of jump wires, and look at seven ways you can use jump wires to create more sales opportunities in Your funnels.

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What is Tripwire?

Tripwire is a product or service designed and priced for instant conversion! Your goal is not to make a huge profit from your trip, but to grow your customer base and get people to pay with you! Tripwires prices typically range from $1-$19. The lower the price, the more irresistible your tripwire will be! But it cannot be a cheap and worthless product; It must be something of great value so they think, wow, that’s awesome; I have to get it while I can!

Why do you need Tripwire?

Great lead generation; However, once Lid becomes a paying customer, the relationship changes. It is much easier to sell more or a product or service at a higher price once someone has become a paying customer. They have already experienced your value (so they have already warmed up a bit), and they are already starting to love and trust you. Using tripwires will increase your other sales opportunities with the goal of bringing more people into your ecosystem who become paying customers faster.

How is Tripwire different from a lead magnet?

A charging wire may look similar to a lead magnet, but it certainly isn’t. A lead magnet is used to generate leads by offering something of extreme value for free in exchange for their email address. A trip wire, on the other hand, is a deeply discounted product or service used as an incentive to convert leads into paying customers immediately. If someone opts into your free lead magnet, you’ll offer them your travel thread. If someone joins your tripwire, you offer them the next product/service in your value chain.

Where and when should you offer Tripwire?

You need to look at your overall funnel to decide where the tripwire would make the most sense. I like to offer tripwires right after someone opts in to one of my freebies. I always combine free offers with like minded and predatory links. For example, if someone downloads my free website audit booklet, they are instantly notified to sell them a super detailed SEO audit. We normally offer these for $497, but a customer can get them as a tripwire for just $7! The catch? They should purchase this thread there and then. They have 15 minutes to catch him before he disappears forever. You can offer a jump thread at the top of your funnel (TOFU) or in the middle of your funnel (MOFU), and you can offer multiple journey threads throughout your funnel.

What types of products/services can you offer as a Tripwire?

  • Product/service trials
  • A smaller version of your core offering
  • Complementary products/services
  • Workbooks/drawings
  • A small e-book

You want to choose a Tripwire offer that will really resonate with your audience. You want to choose something they will see as very valuable and something they can’t say no to.

resource: The ultimate step-by-step website review – When was the last time you checked your website? Maybe you’ve never visited your website, or it’s been a while since then, and you have a plan to redesign it in the future. In any case, if you haven’t significantly updated your website in the last two years, chances are it’s negatively impacting the overall user experience and customer journey. Worse, it doesn’t convert. Our step-by-step workbook will help you get started!

7 Ways to Use an Amazing Tripwire Sales Offer in Your Funnels

1. Decide what you want to offer as a Tripwire Upsell

Before you can successfully sell through your funnels, you need to decide what exactly you want to offer as upsells. It must be related to the main product/service you offer but should also offer additional value and not be a duplicate of what is already offered. Think of it as a small starting point of working with you! What can you offer that will be impactful enough to really wow them and make them think? I need more of this now!

2. Present the Tripwire Upsell Offer at the Right Moment

The key element of any successful hunt is timing; You don’t want to introduce the upsell offer too early in the funnel. This can come across as aggressive and may scare away potential customers. I don’t promote my tripwire anywhere except in my funnel. So someone has to have already found me through my website, social media, my podcast, etc. before they were able to find these funnels. So once they do, they’ve already warmed up a bit and are ready to tripwire.

3. Use Clear Messaging on your Tripwire

Make sure your messages are clear and concise and directly convey all relevant information to your customers. You must ensure that your tripwire offer is well defined and easy to understand; If you don’t explain exactly what you’re offering or why someone should buy it, chances are customers won’t be willing to make the purchase. Be sure to include social proof(s) within your posts.

4. Take advantage of urgency and scarcity in your Tripwire

Since most tripwire offers have limited availability, it’s important to create a sense of urgency and scarcity in order to drive customers to action. You can do this by using language such as “limited time only” or “for a limited number of customers,” which helps reinforce the idea that they have a limited opportunity to take advantage of your offer. This will help encourage customers to act quickly. I like to add an expiration time, so they really have to catch it now, or it’s gone forever.

5. Use Visual Cues in your Tripwire

Visual cues can be incredibly powerful when it comes to upselling, as they help draw attention to your offer. You can use an image of the product or service you offer or a countdown timer animation to create urgency. All these visual cues will help attract attention and motivate customers to act quickly.

6. Provide testimonials on your Tripwire

One way to increase the chance that people will take action on your tripwire is by providing testimonials and customer reviews from previous buyers. This helps create social proof and reinforces the idea that others have already taken advantage of this offer and found it useful, which can encourage potential customers to follow suit.

7. Track your Tripwire results

Finally, it’s important to track your results and measure the success of your tripwire offer. This will help you identify which offers are more successful than others and which parts of the funnel may need tweaking to improve conversion rates. By tracking your results, you can constantly improve and optimize your upsell strategy so that it delivers maximum value for you and your customers.

This week’s challenge

  1. Do you have a Tripwire offer? If so, I’d love to hear how it converts for you. Please DM me on Instagram! @jennielyonmarketing
  1. If you don’t have a trip-wire, where does it make the most sense for you to add one to your offerings? If you’re curious to see what trip-wire looks like, hop on over to jennielyon.com/websiteaudit to download my free website audit booklet. Once you do, you’ll see my $7 SEO Audit Tripwire!
  1. What type of fold makes the most sense for your audience? Do you need some feedback? Again, DM me. I’m happy to help!

Either way, feel free to reach out and schedule a free consultation at jennielyon.com/chat. We can discuss a plan for your tripwire, or I can make suggestions on how to improve your current tripwire! We have tons of free resources on our website. Check them out at jennielyon.com/freebies.

Upselling through tripwires can be an incredibly effective way to increase revenue and create additional value for you and your customers. If done correctly, it can help increase sales and generate more profit for your business. Just make sure you take the time to plan your sales strategy before launching it, as this will ensure everything runs smoothly and your customer has a positive experience.

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