Everybody’s an Expert! …Yikes! – AVA Virtual Assistance


I’ve been a bit pensive lately about the direction our “information age” has taken us. Do you feel confused of all Experts? The corona virus has created, in some ways, an increase in experience at our next level. I call it that Saturation age!

I talked to my husband about the age of saturation, a few days ago; We are simply overwhelmed by all this – both the good and the bad that are on the net and in the news. He said he recently discovered an online course developed just for this thing. In fact, he was excited to sign up because it was launched by a scientist with a certificate whose expertise has been highly regarded among scientific communities. He explained that the course is designed to help others better filter, the information they receive from the internet, etc.


We need it so desperately.

One question, though … is the person developing the course really The expert? My husband seems to think so, and knowing my husband like me, I tend to agree.

Who is an expert?

People are making a lot of changes now, “transferring” and “sharing” and the web is the delivery system that allows us to move our business to the internet; Crowds are launching new courses, etc., at a pace that feels worrying, even to an online business owner / entrepreneur who is already online. To be clear, I do not oppose it, but do feel very opposed to it Grade It happens. There is a responsibility here – online. And there seems to be a lack of “heart selling” as opposed to Hard Selling goods and services.

I work hard to make more than I do accessible to others through online like many of you, and after winning successes like AVA Virtual Assistance selected as one of the “Best Entrepreneurial Companies in America” ​​by ENTREPRENEUR MAGAZINE’s Entrepreneur 360 ™ List, just last year … you Sure! … I feel like an “expert” in my field, and “ready to launch”.

Connect this success with a lot of satisfied customers who have said things like:

“AVA is the Swiss Army Knife of Virtual Assistants” – Daniel Douglas (every single bean)

And … years of experience (countless small successes, learning from failures), along with a real love to help the people and businesses we serve …

Yup … I’m an expert virtual assistant.


Our collective claim to the title “expert” in everything, feeds the Saturation age In a way that is starting to feel harmful. Aware of the great responsibility I have for all of you and myself – I can only hope that we will all move forward with caring and consideration for others and our influence in our global community. Here is what I practice on a personal and business level that I think will benefit all of us at saturation age, the “expert” age:

5 steps for self-development:

  1. Stop giving unsolicited Tips / Opinions
  2. to ask Additional questions – Be open to other options
  3. really listen Stop mentally preparing the next segment of the conversation while others are talking. (Feeling excited is not an excuse to turn a deaf ear.)
  4. Take time to to think For what I learned, Objectively
  5. Keep practicing All of the above (this work was never completed)

These areas of self-development need to be nurtured in everyone.

I started writing this article during the first wave of COVID challenges, mostly with businesses on the mind. At that time it was clear how people suffer not only from illness, worry, fear, but from financial hardship, job loss, business layoffs and more. As a professional immersed in business thought, I became acquainted with the professionals who had an intention to “get started”. I was overwhelmed by the idea of ​​existing Too many “experts” in the world Already, and no one is doing any of the steps I felt I needed to do myself (listed above).

When I finish this article, there are riots in the streets and a tense awareness of the “important black life” campaign. (Is it okay to call it a “campaign”? I no longer know what political correctness or even racial consciousness is. I keep worrying that I might hurt someone unintentionally. I’m living white, At least this time, Who cares about all life.)

Now, saturated with worries and a desire to help, I feel blocked by the obstacles that affect us all. I take actions, which is deeply aware Newton’s Traffic Laws – Cause and Effect. I get frustrated when I do not know what I can do to help and support. Somehow, I’m encouraged by my manifestations of self-development, and wonder if they might help you too.

Not an “expert”, or at least I will refrain from calling myself that.

I emerge. grows up. learning.

And so do you.

Will you practice with me on these 5 stages of self-development? Am I missing steps you can add to my list? Please comment below, and thanks in advance.

Audrey Isabel
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