Hire a Virtual Email Assistant and Free Up Your Inbox

Is email running your life?

as per McKinsey Global Institute, the average worker spends 28% of the work week reading and responding to e-mail. and survey by Adobe came up with an even more shocking number, reporting that 352 minutes are spent on email each day.

Email is a necessary part of the modern workplace, but the situation is clearly out of control.

You want to make the most of your time, but countless hours are lost sorting through email.

So what is the solution?

One of the best ways out of this mess is to hire a virtual email assistant.

5 ways a virtual email assistant can help you

A virtual email assistant can help you gain control of your inbox.

Manage your inbox

Without a clear inbox management system, everyone else’s priorities dictate yours. This puts you on the fast track to inefficiency and overwhelm.

A virtual assistant (VA) can be Executive email management solution You’ve been looking, because they can help you manage your inbox so you can focus on what’s important to you, first.

Replace the flooding and distraction of your inbox with calm, focused productivity while your VA takes charge, deleting spam, unsubscribing from promotions that don’t interest you, forwarding emails when appropriate, answering common questions, and keeping your inbox organized.

Organize tasks

A large portion of the emails that arrive in your inbox every day are task-related.

But when you answer every email as soon as it comes in, you end up wasting dozens of hours every week on tasks that really should be lower on your priority list.

A virtual assistant can help you Email task management So you know which emails need to be answered immediately, and which can wait.

Reply to emails

Every day, you get emails asking you the same or similar questions.

Instead of wasting your time answering each of these yourself, you can show your VA how you want them to answer you and save you countless hours of frustration in the process.

File emails in folders

Emails fall into different categories, but when you see them all in one place it can be overwhelming.

For example, there’s nothing wrong with reading newsletters, but when they’re mixed with urgent emails, you’re more likely to get distracted and lose your focus.

A VA can create an email management system for you and file emails in folders so you can use your time more purposefully and focus on your priorities.

Why an email management virtual assistant is better than an email management tool

Email management tools can be helpful in organizing your inbox, but they only go so far.

Nothing compares to the intelligence of a real, live person. Because unlike a computer, a virtual assistant can help with creative problem solving, act as an accountability partner, and keep you updated when emergencies arise.

A virtual assistant can help you find the most effective solutions

Some members of Prialto describe their VA as a “second me” because they are so good at anticipating needs and being proactive.

Your virtual assistant can hold you accountable

They can help you make sure you focus on what’s most important, and don’t even have to think about anything that doesn’t match your priorities.

Never miss urgent emails again

Not only will they keep your inbox organized, but your VA can also alert you to truly urgent emails as they come in, so you never have to fear dropping the ball on something important.

These are the types of personal touches that software just can’t beat.

A virtual email assistant for email management will increase your efficiency

Inbox management Essential if you want to increase your efficiency and be more productive.

Everything feels urgent when it lands in your inbox, but in reality, only a fraction of the emails you receive really need your immediate attention.

Your virtual assistant can keep track of urgent emails so you can focus elsewhere.

Focus on priority tasks

Prialto Virtual Assistants specialize in creating email management systems that allow you to spend time on urgent and important tasks first.

Your VA can even prioritize emails so you know which tasks need your immediate attention and which can wait.

Reduce unproductive tasks

Once your VA has set up your email management system, any non-essential information can be filed away so you can see it when you have more time—or not at all.

Out of sight, out of mind for non-essential email can do wonders when it comes to email efficiency!

5 steps to start working with a virtual email assistant

If you want to reduce stress and increase efficiency around your inbox, a virtual assistant is an indispensable asset.

Prialto’s managed virtual assistant service takes this further by providing you with an entire back-up team to support your needs.

Our virtual assistants are hired, trained and managed by us, so you don’t have to waste time searching for the right assistant.

Plus, with Prialto, you don’t have to worry about your assistant leaving either.

Because we are a managed service, we carefully document each of your processes and provide trained backups if your virtual assistant is ever unavailable for any reason.

This means that even if your virtual assistant moves on from Prialto, you can trust that your service will continue at the same level of quality without losing extra hours finding and training a brand new assistant.

Here’s how to get started.

1. Schedule a discovery call

The first step is to schedule a discovery call so we can help you identify the tasks your virtual assistant will be taking over.

Don’t want to see spam again?

Want someone else to answer routine questions?

Want to focus on what’s important?

We can make all of this happen, and more.

2. Review your application plan

We’ll then create shared expectations so we’re clear on how we can best support you as we begin, and have a plan for where we want to go next, (because – spoiler alert – Prialto virtual assistants can do a lot more than just manage your inbox !)

3. Join your support team

You will then meet with your virtual assistant and support team to discuss your preferences and get them all set up in your systems.

4. Offload core tasks with our email management services

Sit back and feel the benefits of hiring Prialto immediately as you offload your inbox management to your virtual assistant.

Within a few weeks, they’ll get to know you and your preferences, so you’ll never have to worry about a messy inbox again.

5. Streamline and expand your processes

Why stop at email?

Prialto’s virtual assistants are trained to manage everything from your inbox to record keeping, calendar management, travel arrangements, document preparation, research, list building and more.

Once your inbox is running smoothly, you can chat with your engagement manager to identify new ways your virtual assistant can support you.

A virtual email assistant will increase your productivity.

The role of a virtual assistant is to make your life easier.

This means you can focus on your priorities while your assistant takes care of the busy work that would otherwise take up your time and clutter your headspace.

Start by having your VA create an email management system customized to your preferences and priorities so you can focus on what’s most important. Then make all other forms of busywork a thing of the past as well, when you leverage your Prialto support to expand beyond email management services “To.

Set up your discovery call today to learn more.
