How to Benefit from Virtual Assistant Calendar Management Services


time is money

That’s why at the executive level—or at any level, really—it’s your time that will determine how much progress you make.

Managers spend approx 43% of their time in their agendaAnd according to the Harvard Business Review, the more time they spend on their agendas, the better they feel about managing their time.

But if you have a lot of responsibilities, it can be difficult to control your time.

This is why people turn to a virtual assistant for their diary management services. Instead of making your calendar the bane of your existence, it gives you complete control over your time. And what’s more, you won’t have to be the one managing every last detail of your calendar.

That’s how it works.

How better time management makes you more productive

Time may be money, but it is also finite.

There are only 24 hours in a day – and only so many hours in a working day. The productivity you get out of those hours comes down to how you manage your time and energy.

A custom calendar can help you improve both.

But what are the specific benefits you get when you work with a virtual assistant to help manage your calendar?

Fewer distractions

as per TeamStage statisticsDistractions can make you twice as likely to make errors.

A virtual assistant has more time to spend setting up your appointment, so you’re not busy with the distraction of setting up your appointment. Instead of playing phone tag, you’re busy with a task you know you need to do.

More focused time

Productivity guru Cal Newport, author of Deep Work, says: “Less mental load means more mental resources available for deep thinking.”

If you remove busy administrative time from your work day, it leaves more time to think about big issues. And as Harvard Business Review has shown, managers feel more effective when they spend more time on their agenda—and less time managing their calendars.

less “rush time”

On the opposite side of the spectrum, outsourcing your calendar management to a virtual assistant has one immediate benefit you can’t deny: time savings.

Instead of going through a list of administrative tasks to start your morning, you can start it with an hour of deep work. Instead of going back and forth with team members while you schedule meetings, you can let an assistant handle it.

This means more focused time (see point above) and at the very least, more “me” time to help you decompress from your work.

The benefits of hiring a skilled virtual assistant

If all of the above is true, why hire a skilled virtual assistant in the first place? Can’t AI do it? Calendar scheduling program?

Well, not exactly.

As it turns out, there are specific benefits when you work with a trained Virtual assistant through a virtual assistant service specializing in calendar management.

“The Backup Assistant”

What if you already have an assistant?

A trained virtual assistant can work “backup”, giving you more flexibility to keep your calendar in line at all times. A virtual assistant can work remotely or live in a different time zone.

Training is provided on your software

Let’s be honest: not every virtual assistant’s skill levels are going to be equal when it comes to software are you to use. But the more knowledgeable your assistant is your software, so they’ll be better at managing it in a way that syncs neatly with your phone, your calendar app, and your desktop.

Reduced helper turnover

When you work through a managed virtual assistant service, you don’t have to worry about one particular assistant’s schedule.

Reduced assistant turnover means a more stable workflow that keeps your journal moving uninterrupted.

Screening candidates

After all it is about saving time. But how much time do you save if are you Do all the recruiting, screening and training yourself?

If you can barely manage yours His calendar, screening VA candidates is already too much to ask for in addition.

Keeping priorities on track

Sometimes, just having a third party review your log can offer some perspective.

A managed virtual assistant can help you keep your priorities on track—while adding helpful tidbits like calendar reminders.

Choice of part-time or full-time

What if you don’t need a full-time assistant?

The virtual assistant calendar management services you hire through a virtual assistant service can meet your specific budgeting needs, ensuring you don’t pay for more than you need.

Management of several senior leadership diaries

Maybe it’s not time you need to save, but headaches.

If your company is having trouble managing multiple senior leadership calendars, a trained A virtual assistant can bring their knowledge to your process. Moreover, they will do this without you having to worry about the calendar anymore.

cost savings

Statistics show that virtual assistants can save businesses up to 78% in operating costs.

Not only the efficient workflow makes this possible. This avoids hiring full-time help, which can also be expensive to pay for the same results.

A dedicated and skilled virtual assistant, however, can often function like a full-time employee for a fraction of the cost.

How virtual assistants can help with meeting preparation

Did you know 71% of employees Wasting time every week with postponed or canceled meetings?

Control your meeting scheduling and master one of the most important aspects of executive management – meetings.

Outsourcing calendar management to a virtual assistant can help you cut down on meeting preparation time and never forget what’s on the agenda. Here’s how they can help:

Attendance tracking

If you’re in a senior management position, you probably have more important things to do than manage everyone’s attendance tracker. A virtual assistant can track attendance.

Even better, they can email meeting notes to anyone who missed the meeting, keeping your business humming.

Updating your CRM with meeting notes

Let’s say your company had a meeting with an important client, and someone from your company missed it. Have your virtual assistant update your CRM (customer relationship management software) with the appropriate meeting notes.

You can also refer to these notes yourself when preparing for another regular meeting with the same client. This helps you spend less time on CRM notes and updates – but without missing out on the benefits of both.

Sending reminders and meeting agenda

As Harvard Business Review noted, managers feel best about managing their time when they can focus on their agenda. And the meetings are an integral part of that.

One benefit of working with virtual assistants with access to your digital diaries?

They can send meeting reminders and agendas that get everyone in the meeting on the same page before the meeting happens.

Reducing costs with virtual assistants

Have you ever gone through a freelance virtual assistant hiring process – one that you tried to do all by yourself? This can be an expensive proposition on two fronts. First, you may be hiring a VA whose productivity doesn’t justify the cost. And it can also cost a huge amount of time and energy, especially if you’re not happy with your first choice.

What if you just need to get control of your calendar, and not every aspect of your professional life?

Paying too much with a freelance VA or even hiring someone full-time from a local employment agency may be get the opposite result. Instead, you can hire a virtual assistant who specializes in solving your specific digital journaling problems.

And if you focus on smart timing rather than every aspect of your role as a manager, you might not need Hire a “generalist” VA who can do it all.

Instead, calendar management services can offer everything you need to get your schedule back on track—without breaking the bank.

Enjoy virtual calendar management services

Your calendar should empower you, not drag you down. But that’s exactly what too many managers have let happen.

Instead of using their calendar as a tool to manage their lives, they start living by what is written on the calendar. Thus they lose productivity, time, energy and even money.

Outsourcing this work to a calendar management service is a great way to avoid these problems.

I wonder how Assistant Prialto can help you? Check out what makes us special.

By working with someone who has been trained for it your A specific style of calendar management, you can get all the benefits of an improved scheduling system without the steep learning curve.

If you’d like to learn more about how Prialto’s virtual assistant service can help you manage your calendar and more, contact us now to set up a discovery call and start increasing your productivity today.
