How To Outsource Your Entire Podcast Team


Podcasts are a popular and effective way to reach a global audience and share your ideas or stories. However, producing a quality podcast requires a lot of time and effort, from recording and editing to promotion and distribution. So this is why many podcasters choose to outsource their podcasting staff. This allows them to focus on creating great content without the stress of managing an in-house team.

In this blog post, we’ll cover 5 key steps to outsourcing your entire podcast team, from finding reliable freelancers or agencies to establishing clear communication channels and tracking performance. These tips will help you create a successful podcast and grow your audience.

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Determine your podcasting needs

Before outsourcing your podcasting team, it’s important to determine your specific podcasting needs. This involves identifying the tasks you want to outsource and the roles you need to fill. Some everyday tasks that podcasters outsource include:

  1. Audio Editing: Editing audio files to ensure high sound quality, removing background noise, adding audio openings, and trimming audio.
  2. View Notes: Write detailed summaries of the podcast episode, including timestamps, highlights, and any additional resources.
  3. Social Media Management: Managing social media accounts and creating engaging content to promote the podcast and connect with listeners.
  4. Graphic Design: Creating graphics, logos or other visual assets to support the podcast brand and enhance its visual appeal.
  5. Research and inviting guests: locating guests for the podcast, conducting background research on topics and scheduling interviews.

Once you’ve determined which tasks to outsource, you can create a detailed job description for each position and search for candidates. This can be done by a single agency or a virtual assistant. Outsourcing allows you to focus on creating great content and growing your audience. Stay in your genius zone.

Find a reliable outsourcing platform

Finding a reliable outsourcing platform is essential to outsourcing your entire podcast. With how popular podcasts have become over the years, multiple platforms feature freelancers and agencies that specialize in podcast production. Some popular ones include Upwork, freelancer, Fiverrand PeoplePerHour.

When choosing an outsourcing platform, it’s important to look for outlets with a good track record. Some key factors to consider:

  1. Reputation: Look for platforms that have a good reputation in the industry and have been around for a while.
  2. Quality of freelancers or agencies: Make sure the platform you choose has a rigorous vetting process that ensures the quality of the freelancers or agencies listed.
  3. Variety of services: Look for platforms that offer a wide variety of services that meet your specific podcasting needs.
  4. User-friendly interface: Choose a platform that is easy to navigate and use, with clear instructions on how to post job offers and communicate with freelancers.
  5. Payment protection: Make sure the platform offers secure payment options and protection for you and the freelancer or agency.

By using a reliable outsourcing platform, you can streamline the process of finding and hiring the right freelancers or agencies for your podcast team. Of course, ask around, and word of mouth is always the best recommendation.

resource: How to Start a Workbook Podcast – A podcast is a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your field. This workbook and checklist has everything you need to get your first podcast up and running in record time!

Create a detailed job posting

Creating a detailed job description is essential when outsourcing your podcast team. A clear and detailed job description will help you attract qualified candidates and help you find the best fit for your podcast team.

Here are some key elements to include in your job description to ensure you get top quality candidates.

  1. Job Title: Clearly define the role and responsibilities of the position.
  2. Responsibilities: List the specific duties and responsibilities of the role, such as editing audio, writing show notes, managing social media, or inviting guests.
  3. Skills: List the skills needed, such as experience producing podcasts, proficiency with specific software or tools, or industry knowledge.
  4. Experience: State the required experience, if any, and what type of experience is preferred.
  5. Availability: State the expected time commitment for the position, such as full-time or part-time, and whether the position is remote or on-site.
  6. Payment: Be clear about the terms of payment, including the rate of pay, the distribution of payments and any additional benefits or compensation. If you use a platform like Upwork, then the payment terms are clear and up front for both parties.
  7. Deadline: Set a deadline for when you would like to receive a nomination and when you plan to work.

By including these elements in your job description, you can effectively convey the requirements and expectations of each role on your podcast team. This will help you attract the right candidates and make recruiting more efficient and effective.

The testing process

Performing a thorough vetting process is important when outsourcing your podcast team. This process helps you find the right candidates with the necessary skills and experience to meet your podcast needs. Anyone can make themselves look good on paper; However, do your due diligence.

Here are some key steps to take when vetting potential candidates:

  1. Check their portfolio: Check each candidate’s portfolio to see examples of their previous work, which can give you a sense of their experience and the quality of their work.
  2. Look at their work history: Review the candidate’s work history to see if they have relevant experience in podcast production or related fields.
  3. Check references: Contact the candidate’s references to verify their work experience and ask for feedback on their performance. Check out testimonials in their profiles and ratings.
  4. Conduct an interview: Schedule an interview to learn more about the candidate’s work style, communication skills, and overall fit for your podcast team.
  5. Test their skills: Consider giving the candidate a test project to complete, which can help you assess their skills and the quality of their work.
  6. Assess their communication skills: Make sure the candidate is responsive and communicative, as good communication is key to a successful outsourcing relationship.

Therefore, by taking these steps, you can ensure that you are recruiting qualified candidates with the necessary skills and experience to create a high-quality podcast. This will help you build a solid and effective podcast team, which can lead to a successful and growing podcast.

Establishing clear communication channels

Effective communication ensures that your team is aligned and working toward your goals and that everyone knows their responsibilities and deadlines. Here are some tips for creating clear communication channels:

  1. Set up regular check-ins: Schedule regular check-ins with your podcast team, such as weekly or bi-weekly meetings, to discuss progress, challenges, and upcoming tasks.
  2. Use communication tools: Use communication tools such as limp, Microsoft Teams, or close up Communicate with your team and ensure everyone knows how to use these tools effectively.
  3. Establish communication protocols: Define how communication should occur, such as how often someone should provide updates and how to handle problems or conflicts.
  4. Provide Feedback: Regularly provide your team with positive and constructive feedback on their performance, and listen to their feedback as well.
  5. Clarify expectations: Clearly communicate your expectations to the podcast team, including deadlines, quality standards, and other important details.

By following these tips, you can create clear and effective communication channels with your podcast team. This will help ensure that your team stays on track and that your podcast production runs smoothly. It will also help build a good relationship with your team, which is essential to a successful podcast.

Outsourcing your entire podcast team can efficiently create high-quality content without the stress of managing an in-house team. By saving time and resources, you can focus on creating great content and growing your audience. With the right team and tools, you can create a successful and sustainable podcast that resonates with your listeners and helps you achieve your podcasting goals.

Action steps

  • Not a podcast? Schedule a call with me today, and let’s dive in to see if this model fits your current business model.
  • If you have a podcast, make a checklist of things you can take off your plate. You have to show up to record and hand over the rest.
  • Schedule 2 interviews in the next two weeks. JLVAS has an entire podcast team at your fingertips. Advance this action step and order now.

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