How to Use a Real Estate Virtual Assistant to Grow Your Business



If you are like most real estate professionals, even high-yielding agents, these two questions can stop your business immediately: grow, make more money and do it in less time.

  1. In which tasks can I count on an assistant?
  2. I do not think I have enough work for a full-time assistant?

With 13 years of virtual assistance and decades of experience in the real estate industry, “MyOutDesk has found this to be almost impossible for a non-client.” . . There is enough work. . “For a full-time virtual assistant or tasks they can,” trust an assistant. “And it does not matter if the assistant is a local employee or a virtual assistant.

“It’s easy to give advice and say, to grow your real estate business, focus most of your time on revenue. What’s not easy is to implement this plan so you can,”Buy back“Your time and concentrate on increasing revenue and less on”Tasks“That make you work more than 60 hours a week, spend more time in the car, in the office and inside your client’s house … than your own home!

This is how you return your time!

Property closing has hundreds of micro-transactions. Some deals are less important and some deals are fragile. However, any transaction is critical to closing a property and your time is too precious to waste on transaction tasks.

Assign these critical tasks to an experienced and trained Virtual Real Estate Assistant so you can:

    • Spend more time outside of business
    • Al, “need to work” 60 to 70 hours a week
    • and. . . Still grow your business

Stop – Be the highest paid assistant in your real estate business!

If you want to grow your business, you can not afford – do not reassign the tasks that cause you. . . Your own assistant, overpaid.


  1. Reallocation of “tasks” that slow down new revenue-generating tasks
  2. The best real estate tasks to get your time back
  3. Job Description Templates
  4. Recruitment of a local virtual assistant versus real estate
  5. Last thoughts
  6. Talk to MyOutDesk location strategist

1. Re-assign “tasks” that slow down new income tasks

There is a huge difference between errands and money-saving tasks. Once you realize how lucrative a full-time assistant is, the initial fear of “Do I have enough work to hire an assistant” disappears and any task you do not want to do, becomes your assistant’s task. Do not Do It!

Call my dentist . . . Is not really the best use of your new virtual assistant in real estate if you want to make more money in less time.

MyOutDesk assistants are highly skilled and serve best as the person holding the nail while swinging the hammer, as opposed to being the hammer or nail. Sure, your virtual assistant is more than willing to make an appointment with the dentist and please. Instead, ask your virtual assistant to help close the trust, garner new leads and get you back to selling.

Growing a business has a lot to do with using the right tool for the job and a virtual assistant in real estate is the right tool to give back your time.

This hammer analogy is why MyOutDesk is separated years (13 to be exact) from about 500 competitors and one of the oldest virtual assistant companies.

There are another 499 companies in the industry that want to offer you a nail. MyOutDesk offers experienced assistants and a strategy program for integrating an assistant into your business backed by more than a decade of industry experience.

Number 1 MyOutDesk – Rated as the best in overall value, talent and recruitment process. ~ TechRadar.

The Difference in MyOutDesk (Virtual Real Estate Assistant):

  1. We only offer full-time virtual assistants (MyOutDesk Virtual Assistant) Does not cost much more Than competitors help micro or part-time and average is 70% cheaper than local rent.)
  2. We tested over 300,000 candidates and hired the top 1%.
  3. Many of the assistants assigned to our client work with MyOutDesk for 3 to 6 years and some up to 8 years.
  4. Our assistants undergo background checks and FBI-style fingerprints.
  5. Employment and skills are fully tested for accuracy by two internal cross-checks.
  6. Most imports, MyOutDesk Real Estate Virtual Assistants Have a High Level of Talent, Skills and Training… So We Verify It We guarantee it!

And more: MyOutDesk Assistant receives above average salary, medical benefits and others.

At MyOutDesk we serve over 7500 clients and we have 800+ 5 star reviews.

Another difference is that we maintain a pool of qualified assistants who have already been tested in the background waiting for the task.

2. The best real estate tasks to get your time back

A list of them, too quoted, leading between 5 and 10 tasks that a virtual real estate assistant can perform would be the typical thing to do.

However, real estate is a constantly changing industry and each agent, broker and firm operates in a unique way.

If you are considering a virtual assistant, you are experienced enough to know where a virtual assistant can instantly impact your business.

Soon, we’ll share Real customer examples How they benefited from hiring a virtual real estate assistant. Otherwise, a professional assistant can handle any aspect or task of the business you are willing to transfer. For example:

    • A cold reader
    • Internal Sales Agent Tasks (ISA).
    • Manage the consumption process
    • Data mining and MLS management
    • Lead control – cold and warned
    • Marketing
    • Customer service – scheduling, checking with customers, reminders

. . . Or any task that keeps you stuck in “task” mode.

Customer examples:

This is how our customers implemented their “buy back” program


Rex, the MyOutDesk Real Estate Authority, was tasked with making 100 outgoing calls a day. For a period of 10 months this is the actual ROI of the customers.

They spent 168 out of 170 hours on the phone last month. . . 199 meetings were scheduled, 142 were closed. . . Our virtual assistant has created Sales potential of $ 7.5 million and $ 200,000 at GCI . . . For less than $ 1800 per month!

This client now has 3 full-time MyOutDesk virtual assistants working in their real estate business.

Transaction time:

30 hours per week were returned for the sale of properties.

Bruce and Michelle Brank started their assistant with one responsibility – preparing pre-registration packages. Over time their virtual assistant became an integral part of managing the workflow of every Brunk pipeline transaction.

Of the Brank: I shortened the transaction time from 60 hours to 15 with a virtual assistant from MyOutDesk and I refocused 60% of my time back to business.

What if you could cut your time per transaction from 45 to 15 hours? What if you could buy back 30 extra hours a week for sale?

Administrative tasks

Claire Williams’ senior agent, Ken W., hired a virtual real estate assistant from MyOutDesk to serve as Ken’s email gatekeeper and filter more than 250 emails a day.

nestA: My ROI for hiring my assistant is easily and conservatively five to one.

Ken found that his assistant was also the right solution to handle his registry management, prepare proposals, maintain trend reports and spreadsheets essential to Ken’s business.

Ken appreciates how his virtual assistant is always looking for new ways to leverage his skills and find ways in which Ken can return his time.

3. Job Description Templates

Here are some beginner job descriptions to give you some ideas:

4. Recruit a local virtual assistant versus real estate

The way you hire an employee has changed dramatically and so have the risks and cost.

Recruitment and dismissal of a traditional employee involves a great deal of risk. Even the people you do not hire can get you into a mess. . . Ask one wrong question during an interview.

You can manage some of the risk by using temporary agencies or a temporary employee. Personnel offices can save time, but the cost of hiring an employee goes up. Hiring independent contractors involves a lot of risk. Fines for using a contractor as an employee, but classifying them as a contractor are expensive. Just ask the IRS!

Move the employee relationship to a service provider. With a service provider you pay one monthly bill. You do not pay a commission to a staffing agency or temporary office. You do not spend months in interviews and hope you have tested your new employee enough. You do not have to pay medical or other benefits. You do not have to worry about wages, and employee taxes.

With a service provider you get the fruits of your labor while the service provider deals with the employee relationship.

Hiring a virtual assistant is not the same as hiring a service provider who offers you a virtual real estate assistant.

Learn more about the difference between hiring a traditional employee versus a MyOutDes virtual assistant Schedule a conversation with one of our placement strategists.

5. Last thoughts

Taking care of your real estate business often requires help with non-income-generating tasks. This is where virtual assistants are helpful in getting your time back. Consider using virtual assistants from the oldest VA company in the MyOutDesk industry.

Talk to a MyOutDesk location strategist

We will keep it as short or long as you like.
