Leader or Assistant – You Can’t Be Both


We recently shared a particular quote that we found motivating. It was a graphic image with a very blatant quote, shared on our social media channels. We expected some people to agree and of course some would disagree. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, especially when it comes to bold arguments like the one quoted. What we did not expect was how enthusiastic (and misleading) some of the reactions were! As of this writing, this post has 4,000+ comments, 340+ comments and 550+ shares. So we felt it appropriate not only to address some of the responses we saw recurring but to explain a little more about the message behind the quote.

The quote

Let’s talk first about the quote itself. What does this even mean? Where did we get it and why do we support it? The idea here is that by taking all the responsibility of a particular job, you become a number of employees yourself. Just because a particular task like paperwork is part of the business you lead, does not mean you have to do it. It really is no different than if you stopped and walked down the hall to clean the employees’ restrooms. If you are a manager and you do it, then you are also a goalkeeper. Regardless of the additional tasks you take on, the point is that you should not do it. You have higher-level tasks that generate dollars that match your expertise. These missions can not play second fiddle to busy work, otherwise your business will never grow to its full potential.

The arguments

“Or you’re capable of doing your job. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

This comment was one of the most popular comments under this post, with 70+ comments and 20 comments! At first glance, this statement makes sense and sounds pleasant. Unfortunately, it misses the whole point of the post. The quote does not address the question of whether you are capable of doing paperwork or not, it touches on why you should not be in the first place. An entrepreneur who is trying to grow his business really should not divide his time between low-key tasks. It’s not about being able, it’s focusing on the right things and delegating the rest to someone else who is equally capable. Paper processing, data entry, signature signing, filing, etc. are not complex tasks that require a specific skill set. These are the kind of tasks that almost anyone can learn with a little practice. Need more proof that time is of the essence when you grow a business? Check out this informative section when you finish here.

“I prefer to be my assistant and know it’s done properly, and finish the work I started with my clients …”

Here is another comment that has received the attention it deserves, with 15 comments and a few answers. Fortunately, someone responded to this comment and proved his understanding of the quote when he said; “It’s a lot, I mean a lot of work for a growing business. Imagine if every business owner would say he did not want help … err.” This guy understands! But let’s dive deeper into what the initial response says; They do not trust anyone else to do the job properly. It sounds like a personal problem and not the strategy of someone who manages to grow his business. When you take some time to find the right people and train them well, you solve your problems yourself. For an organized and efficient team, the paperwork should not be so complex that an experienced assistant will not be able to learn it and do it for you. Frees you up to devote more time and effort to higher value tasks that you deserve to focus on. And guess what? It also frees you up to spend more time with the same customers they mentioned, because you do not juggle paperwork when you can add value to your customer experience.

“If we do our paperwork, we’re smart and know what to do to do things when we can not afford a team.”

This remark again addresses the concern of “doing it right,” but also mentions the cost. Since we’ve already covered the issue of thinking you’re the only person in the world who can do paperwork, let’s talk about the price point. It is perfectly fair to worry about the cost of hiring more hands. For many entrepreneurs, the early goal is to simply increase revenue. And they think they’re cutting it out by adding more workers who need to be paid, but they can ‘t go wrong anymore. This is called investing! The time you spend on your paperwork, spending time on higher value tasks and face time with your customers, will equate to slower profits and even long-term loss of income. By investing in one or more virtual assistants, you pay little in the short run but increase productivity and thus the potential for more revenue in the long run. When you outsource a virtual assistant you save up to 70% of the average cost of hiring a local assistant, but you get the same quality of reliable work. So in this scenario, you pretty much can not afford No Hire an assistant.

“And if you have your own business, you also clean the windows, the security, the doorman, etc. It’s all right.”

This is an embarrassing remark because it goes on, even more, to really insult the original quote. This sentiment has resonated several times, which has shown us that the post here has really been missed by many. When you’re just getting started, it sure makes sense for the owner to take care of a lot of things himself. This is the only way it goes, there is no debate here. But as you grow older, you will need helping hands. that’s a fact. As far as business owners are concerned, you are not special. It’s just not intelligent and professional or business savvy to think it’s okay for owners or other managers to also have to process piles of paperwork, let alone clean windows or be security. It’s just stupid. Maybe if you have a bookstore or confectionery of “Mom and Pop”, that might make sense for your model, but for most growth companies it just does not make sense not to delegate a busy job to trusted assistants. You started your business for a reason; You have a vision, and the skills and talent to realize that vision. Not just anyone can do it! Once you get to the ground, you need to focus on those skills and talents, not do paperwork. This is something anyone can do.

Those who accept it

“To make time for yourself, even though you can do some things yourself, pay a professional to make time for other things you want to do.”

Now there is someone who really understands this! As we said above, this idea of ​​not doing your paperwork has nothing to do with ability or not. It’s about dividing your time appropriately and efficiently. And in the case of MyOutDesk, do so cost-effectively as well. By hiring a helping hand for a busy job like paperwork, you free yourself from focusing on what made you excited about this job in the first place. We are sure that paperwork is not the reason you wanted to own a business. So why force yourself to do that? Time is money. By insisting on doing everything yourself, you are wasting both.

“Doing everything myself makes me an employee in my business, not a business owner. I work to get rid of the work an assistant can do.”

Bingo. Business owners often start their own business because they no longer want to work for someone else. Some may argue that by doing their paperwork they are simply working for themselves, and that was their technical goal. But just because you’re your boss does not mean you’re a good boss! Imagine if you were an experienced human resources expert, but your boss made you spend time every day processing a pile of recruitment paperwork. It starts eating in your spare time with the employees you are there to serve, for example. Eventually, you will resent your boss for not investing in an assistant who will help streamline your processes so you can focus on what they hired you for. Well, do not resent yourself one day for not asking for some help because you thought it was impressive or admirable to always be a grinder. It is not.

Words of encouragement

  • “Yeah and you’re right, you did it … wow!”
  • “Right! I should have gotten an assistant. She’s great!”
  • “Oh I felt attacked, it’s great marketing!”
  • “Honestly, I agree because I do need help. I do not want to be both a boss and a secretary.”

We felt like adding a few more positive blurs from the comments to emphasize that not everything was a protest! It was a controversial post because the response was quite divided. While many people seem to miss the point a bit, quite a few understood the message and could relate. Maybe it has to do with their attempt to become business owners? We noticed that a lot of the checks came from people who did not appear to be business owners, anyway. And the people they may be talking about from their experience with much smaller businesses. Of the kind that does not necessarily need as much expansion as an expanding business does. So while the message behind this quote may have been controversial for some, we understand that it is also relative. But for most growing businesses, you are either a leader or an assistant, not both.

Work smarter, not harder

When you hire a virtual assistant, you are investing in your business. Ask yourself: What really prevents you from adopting the eternal business practice of hiring an assistant? If it’s the cost, the uncertainty, or the false sense of pride about “doing it yourself”, then you are looking at it all wrong. Any business that has some purpose around expansion, growth and expansion to increase revenue, will definitely find a need for assistance. If your business is small enough or has a narrow enough focus, then this message just is not for you. In fact, power you up for being crazy in your world! We agree that it can feel good to do everything yourself and get that peace of mind and satisfaction at the end of the day. But this life is not sustainable for every person or every business model. Most of them enter the world of business ownership because they ultimately want their business to work for them, not the other way around.

So, are you still against the idea of ​​an assistant? Or are you undecided now? If so, is it a matter of cost or reliability? Because in MyOutDesk we provided you with both. Our virtual assistants provide all the same benefits as a local assistant, but at a fraction of the cost. They also come with years of experience, natural talent, education and impulse. We verify all of our virtual assistants before adding them to our pool of available professionals. We also provide certain promises, support and benefits to smooth the transition for any new business in the concept. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by examining your options with a virtual assistant. So use the link below to seek advice. Our expert will go over everything with you and answer any questions or concerns you may have. Like we said before, time is money. And we are not in the business of wasting any of your own.

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