Let’s Make Some Money


When you start working as a virtual assistant, it’s easy to not set a schedule for your days. After all, you’re the boss now, and you get to choose how you spend your time, right? This is what you’ve wanted for so long – free time.

Not knowing where to start, you might wait to sit at the desk until you feel “ready” and walk around in the guise of an “employee”. You organize your inbox until it reaches zero; pay your bills; Spend hours reorganizing your digital files; and research software that you think will make you more valuable to future clients. Your days feel productive, but somehow, you don’t feel like you’re in real business.

That’s because when virtual assistants are in pre-client or “setup” mode, they overlook one important fact when deciding how to spend their time: They forget they’re in business to make money. Not being organized or having perfect inboxes.

Yes, you may have chosen to become a VA so you could work from home and have the time and freedom to be with your children or aging parents. But without the money coming in, you won’t be able to sustain your lifestyle.

Finally, when you spend time doing activities that keep you busy but make zero dollars, it won’t take long for you to get discouraged and frustrated, maybe even ready to quit.

To be successful, you must manage and prioritize your time each day for activities that keep this goal a priority. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. You will never feel ready. “Ready” is a slippery slope. How do you know when they are ready? I have no idea. But what I do know is that you can set the stage to get the job done. Clear the table, put on some music, choose a generates revenue activityand decide ahead of time how long you will stay in the seat.
  2. Prioritize what you spend time on. You can only work on one thing at a time. I know you think you can multitask and get more done, but all you do is start and stop and start and stop over and over, which leads to thinking breakdown and mistakes. Make a decision on what you will work on and stick with it until you finish. You will get much more achievements.
  3. You can’t think your way to success. Often, new VAs will think about what they need to do, research the best next steps and No act. It is taking action that will create success. Taking action is also what calms the voices in our head that doubt whether we have what it takes or not.

I love helping my customers. And I like to make money. Making money is fun. Making money is exciting. Making money is something you can easily do as a virtual assistant when you make it a priority.

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