Naughty or Nice? – AVA Virtual Assistance


A close friend of mine came to me one afternoon, in December, to bring me a little treat. I had a hard time, and she was sweet in that she humbled the visit as if it was a ‘jump’ business.

The treat contained a cup of coffee with two opposing sides, “naughty” and “nice.” I’ve been sipping from the cup for weeks, giggling from the inside. The cup reminds me how complex each of us is.

Day after day, week after week, the words on my coffee cup evoke a silly feeling inside that made me wonder what others would have thought if only they had heard my inner chatter.

Nice! …of course! I tell myself both honestly and with a sly smile.

Then something will happen … Like me and my teammates we’ll get into a conversation here in the office, and I’ll start laughing hysterically at someone else’s mischievous sense of humor. Nonsense! Does that make me naughty too? – Because I definitely understood the joke … and I laughed.

More musings about naughty versus nice, when I wake up in the morning sipping my coffee … how do you know if they are naughty / nice in their business? I worked with many other nice business owners and came across very few naughty ones. This may be due to the fact that I live rural and my business is small. (Plus, I’m not into politics.) But …

Do they know they are naughty?

Attention-grabbing people (along with politics) are almost certainly among the naughty people in business. right? Climb on top of each other to reach the ‘top’, etc.

I only came across one such person, or at least I was able to identify the moment as it is. Definitely naughty! I do not suspect this they Even knew what they were doing … but I could be a nephew or Nice In this conclusion.

Although I never felt like I was climbing someone but myself, I took the experience and started analyzing it inward. I love attention – or rather, recognition. Hell, for the first five years of my business I was a “consciousness addict” myself, because I always really liked being praised for my creativity and hard work. I too was ashamed to want the attention. Maybe This A person was not aware that he was ‘climbing’?

After getting to know one of my favorite literary characters today, I realized that enjoying attention is not a bad thing. This character is Jackie Faber of LA Meyer, who brought to life Catherine Calgary, amazingly Audiobook Bloody Jack series. Although there were times when Jackie was really, really, naughty … I do not remember a time when she made another person look bad, just to get attention. Nice!!!

If you do, “love the attention” like me and Jackie, and like us a creative entrepreneur – I’ll tell you now, we’re more at risk as individuals – of being a naughty business owner. For those of you who are naughty anyway … take your brain out of the sewer and hang out with me for a second! I say it’s naughty to draw attention to yourself / your business if it’s in giving directions Harm to others.

Intentions have a lot to do with the naughty / nice index. We have much less to worry about when we maintain good intentions, heart-driven health. If you’re like me, and you want to be especially careful to lead a heart-focused business … you’re also actively working on paying attention to others. How they feel. What are their struggles, and how can you help them. You can still be in the spotlight, and do all these good things too.

Amazing how one cup of holiday-themed coffee can produce all these thoughts, huh? Well, the truth is … I could really write some books about naughty versus nice and the various topics that come to my mind – you can too, I’m sure! However, they may be rated differently. Lol!

No … I do not think it’s naughty all Bad. If you apply your life correctly, it can even be good for the soul. And while being Nice Should always go without saying … I’m going to say it anyway:

be kind. Be kind. And always consider how what you do affects others.

Find me on LinkedIn / Post a comment – I would love to know how you feel about getting attention or if you also come across someone who ‘climbs’. Read the book? Do you agree that not all efforts to attract a little attention are bad?

Audrey Isabel
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