Stay up-to-date – AVA Virtual Assistance


If you found time to do something special before work today, like, read another chapter of this fascinating book, work on your creative project, or hang out with friends or family, then you are considered lucky. These days, it’s challenging to even give a dog a proper pat on the head before he walks out the door – not to mention remember to eat breakfast.

It’s no secret, the world is becoming much busier and more complex. For the dedicated entrepreneur and already very busy, it could be:

              • Renew the supply of services … again
              • Inventory reduction
              • Invest in more powerful software
              • Business training
              • Less customer time
              • Creatively pressed
              • More office meetings and brainstorming
              • More frequent system maintenance

Really, the list above is quite like an evening of cooking at home – usually a bit messy, constantly changing, and always full of surprises. Even the taste of our food became strangely complicated. You know you are not recreating Rembrandt, right? … do not even worry about it – it could be that I myself accidentally created Nacho Castle once – which unfortunately did not pass the large planes of the living room for a movie night.

so. Were busy. Probably overloaded. tired. Maybe a little stuffed. What else to do other than drag ourselves to the nearest comfortable piece of furniture and get carried away, without the happy knowledge that Flabol – the family cat finishes tomorrow’s lunch. ..There was anything else ???

Oh yes. ..Yes was. Yes. Yes. Yes … will be distributed. Yes Yes Yes. ….Yes.

What happened to stay with time? Especially your industry ?? we know. its not easy. However, the challenge is with everyone. In the end, it comes down to one simple question:

Do you want to stay up to date or enjoy about a year of fun, just before anything happens The back flop of this hippopotamus I mean – we’ll have a harder time getting out of this than you think.

Do not want to be a lazy hippopotamus?

Here are some tips we recommend:

Get into your industry. Become members of their associations, join online forums, go to live events, take classes, have meaningful and helpful conversations with someone who gets what you are trying to achieve. Be social with everyone. Because these different groups want you to stay around – you will have a buffet of information on the subject at your fingertips.

Check with your customers. Have been on the same platforms and learned about every new trend they talk about. This can be very insightful for your business and how you continue to address the requirements of your customers.

Follow the trends of your industry. Check out some good tools for financial forecasting. Run reports. Learn the trajectory of the latest new thing and get ahead of it in your creative path. Learn what Key performance indicators (KPIs) are and how they can benefit your business. Contact National Bureau of Economic Research Or to U.S. Census Bureau Pick up of useful and free information specific to your industry.

Notice why your competitors are plotting. Follow them on social media, do they have a new product or service they offer? Ask them questions, you may be surprised at the wealth of information they are willing to give freely and happily. (Just remember to be considerate and respectful, they also work hard – or “back flop” easy Not being the only thing that happens to you. (… Karma is a thing.)

Read news from other countries. What works elsewhere that is not applied where you are? How may the news of that country affect your industry 3, 6 months down the road? Consider where you get your goods from or how your services are connected and keep in mind any fluctuations that may affect your business goals.

Read even more. Of course you will read all you can about your industry, current and past trends, fads, weird or unconventional ideas. Be open to learning every day – something new. Go to new sites, (related and unrelated) read various blogs, news articles and even your counter industry (if any) or something similar. Gather as much knowledge as possible each day so that you have a fountain of information to draw from, for yourself and others.

Listen to podcasts. Alternatively, subscribe to some useful YouTube (radio) channels. Listen to your whole industry, but like the suggestions above, branch out and strive to learn some new and random things every day. You will be amazed at how helpful and connecting things really are to your entrepreneurial efforts.

Finally, participate in weekly business conversations with others. Find someone or some people you feel comfortable talking to with business ideas on a regular basis. Friends are great too – but if there is someone around who is also an entrepreneur and interested in the same concepts as you, it can be very helpful … and your friends may thank you for not bending their ears to the latest Business statistics 🙂

How do you find it toddler Extra time for all this education ???

Do not know. … but was not this hippopotamus video so funny ?!

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Hannah Batty
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