The Recruiters Guide to The Labor Market in 2022


God Great resignation Actually over. Welcome, to the great stalemate. According to recent labor statistics, there were about 11 billion job vacancies by February, and two jobs per person looking for one. The workers left, they went home. Now businesses are sitting with gaps in their teams, looking for reliable professionals to fill them. Some blame this on the inability of many recruiters to adapt to the new world in which we live. Others blame it on the fact that Americans just do not want to work or that new standards are set unrealistically high. Whatever the reason, what we are experiencing now is a kind of stagnation. A so-called chicken game, between employers and professionals. Companies need professional talent and are desperate to recruit it. While Americans wait for employers to catch up with the new norms of the professional world.

So what does all this tell you and what’s next? This is what we are going to explain in this article. So you can better understand how your business fits into this equation, as well as what should be part of your next steps. MyOutDesk is the oldest virtual assistant provider in the world. We have 15+ years of experience in adapting virtual assistants to professional positions in a variety of industries, in small and large companies. We know a thing or two about the job market and how to stay a few steps ahead of it. So take our hand, and let’s go tread.

What’s going on?

The plague has changed our world in unprecedented ways, and we are still following these changes. Many professionals have lost their jobs, and many have simply moved on to some sort of work-from-home arrangement. As conditions began to settle and return to “this new normal,” professionals found themselves accustomed to their new flexibility at work. And those who do not work at all have found themselves wanting more incentive to even return to the workforce. With rumors of a thriving labor market, many professionals have left their jobs, putting their eyes on greener pastures in the same other company. This has left recruiters and human resources people in a very strange situation, as they strive to understand this and respond effectively.

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99 million Americans are not looking for work

According to data from the Bureau of Statistics of the Ministry of Labor, the unemployment rate is falling (3.8% since early March). Even still, the number of people No Active job search remains high; According to about 99 million people Population Census Pulse Survey. Of that number, nearly half were retired. After retirees, the next largest group of “unemployed and uninterested” was 18 million who gave “other” as a reason, and 7 million who gave no reason at all. In the same month of February when there were 11 million open positions, the monthly departure rate (Government means of resigning workers) Reached 2.9%. With the plague in our back mirror and Inflation making the dollar worth less And less, why more people are not really trying to find work?

money is not everything. Until it will be.

In days gone by, it seemed like just offering money to someone who would do a job for you was all it took. Offer a little more money and get even more interest. Today it is not all a matter of money, it is also a matter of work environments, benefits, flexibility and work-life balance. Professionals in the US have started to expect more from their employers, not just their salary. They want the flexibility to work from home (Or something hybrid), They want competitive benefits for their families, and more PTO to enjoy life. But that does not stop recruiters from relying on the temptation of money to attract talent. In fact, 19% of HR respondents said they should increase benefits and rewards for current and new talent. Wage transparency in job lists is growing, and is even required in some states like Colorado and soon New York. It is estimated that as inflation continues and more Americans burn their savings and credit cards, the dollar sign index will soon be a top priority again.

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Nearly ⅓ of people who left work for each other said they felt surprise or remorse, according to a survey of 2,500 U.S. adults The museJob search and career coaching company.

You catch more bees …

Recruiters use the money to entice professionals, with bloated salaries, improved benefit packages and big recruiting bonuses. According to an announcement in July 2021 Robert Half surveyed Out of almost 3,000 senior executives, 48% offer signing bonuses and 43% give more to PTO. Someone is not even looking for a job reported yes Offer 3 times their previous salary By a potential employer. This is a blatant power method to get what you want, but it has proven to be effective. Especially now that (Plot twist!) Many of those professionals who left their jobs voluntarily, actually return. Millions left their jobs during the plague, many to see if the grass was really greener. But many have struggled with the understanding that no matter where you go, things will never be perfect. Some companies over-promised autonomy or flexibility to work from home, or they simply did not have the kind of culture they were used to. So as the dust settles and the picture becomes clearer, many look back on their old work through pink glasses. Which makes the job market a revolving door lately.

Study SHRM status of the workplace

Let’s take a look at some tough stats, right? God Study SHRM status of the workplace For 2021-2022 is a survey of 1,737 human resources and 642 employees in the U.S. They reported some eye-catching data that really gives you a preview of the coming year. For example, resignation rates continue to climb; 26% of small companies reported climbing resignation rates , And 53% of large companies reported it.It is interesting to note that remote labor organizations are a little more successful.For example, the shortage of manpower is a major challenge facing 74% of remote companies, and 87% of private companies. % Of the remote businesses and 80% of the personal businesses had legal and compliance issues.While we are on the subject, here are the top four challenges facing businesses of all sizes …

  1. Lack of work
  2. Legal issues and compliance
  3. Health and Safety
  4. Fear of inflation

We have already mentioned labor shortages and legal concerns, but what about health and inflation? It makes sense that these two do not really come to distant workers because they are more detached from these obstacles. When you work from home you have no high chance of catching a cold or worse than a co-worker or bringing him to work for others. And with rising inflation, you should stay home and save on fuel money, day care, less need for PTO, not eating out so much, and so on. The same goes for employers who do not have to worry so much about overhead in the office, on-site insurance, services, etc. In simple words, the more professionals you have working remotely, the less you have to worry. The same goes for finding, retaining and retaining talent. Organizations. Remote were rated 2.5 times more efficient in those areas than personal offices.

look ahead

Of the many HR people surveyed, there were four target areas for improvement for 2022. While most reported satisfaction with the way their organization handled the epidemic, continued navigation following the epidemic continues to be a priority. Here are the top four efforts led by HR experts in 2022 …

Challenges 2022

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There is no doubt that fewer brick and mortar facilities can equate to more cost savings and less headaches for business owners. There is even evidence that teleworking can increase productivity for those who are not in the office. Not to mention the cost savings benefits for the employees themselves. Focusing on greater flexibility with remote work options, coupled with competitive wages to keep pace with inflation, seems to be the recipe for attracting talent.

It’s time to dump her and move on to b̶o̶x̶

These are unprecedented times we are in, facing new but familiar obstacles in the professional world. So why not respond with new but familiar ideas? Take the example of mixed(Or hybridWorking model. It has been around for ages and ages but has recently gained traction in the face of the increased flexibility of working from home. With a hybrid work model, organizations can mark all of the 2022 checkboxes with relative ease. By outsourcing roles that can be performed remotely to virtual assistants in another country, business owners understand that they are getting the same benefits as local hiring. In addition to the added benefit of massive cost savings, which can then be reassigned to their local experts. Improve the little office space you need, and offer better compensation and benefits to the few employees who are local. This is how you attract and retain the talent you want.

MyOutDesk> Other Virtual Assistant Services

We have already made it clear that the labor market struggles we face today are unlikely to go anywhere all year long. Efforts to attract and retain top talent should be intensified by any business hoping to stay ahead of the curve and set itself up for massive success in 2023. Now is the time to clarify why MyOutDesk in particular has been and continues to be the secret weapon for such missions. Outsourcing a busy job to virtual assistants in another country is not new. In fact, it is often discussed by business owners outside of protocol and in whispers, due to archaic stigmas surrounding the industry. We are here to dispel these concerns with facts and evidence.

For a more in-depth analysis of the benefits of virtual assistants, learn more here when you are done with this article.

Our virtual assistants are based in the Philippines. Did you know that they have a literacy rate of 95% when the teaching aid is mainly English? And they are ranked 27/100 countries around the world in the English control index, and are ranked second in Asia. So we do not let language barrier companies work with them, we connect them with fluent English speaking professionals. In addition, we have a very thorough interview process for our employees, ensuring that they have the preferred experience and / or education. As well as reliable equipment and internet, along with a rigorous background check. In other words, promises for you. The kind of promises you just do not get with a random local hire or someone with a contract service like Fivver. And if there’s one thing that’s like gold for recruiters and human resources teams right now, it’s promises.

Your friend in the job market in 2022

With our history and expertise in the professional world of remote work, coupled with the struggles in our current job market, it’s really time for MyOutDesk to shine. And we invite any business that is trying to grow while maintaining these barriers to shine with us. We hope this article was informative and relevant enough to keep you out of the way. We are in a great position to support growing businesses of any shape or size now with our proven and reliable virtual assistants. Your success is really our success, so let’s succeed together. Use the link below to request a call with one of our experts, where they will go over any questions or concerns you may have. Zero duty or pressure, just a friendly and instructive conversation, as long or as short as you need. we will be happy to hear from you!

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