Upgrading HR Teams with Workbright and MyOutDesk


You do not automate to get rid of the person; You are automating to empower the person. And that’s basically the name of the game for Workbright; A set of human resource tools built for small and medium-sized businesses. We chose to highlight this particular product in our monthly technology blog because it is one of the most commonly used services by our clients in the human resources industry. Not to mention this is the type of software that connects perfectly to virtual assistants, for several reasons which we will review below. So if you’re in the human resources business and looking at ways to increase efficiency, team morale and revenue … then read on and see why virtual assistants combined with Workbright are such a powerful combination.

What exactly is Workbright?

Workbright is a professional toolkit built to handle the repetitive and time-consuming tasks that slow down the recruitment process. Just like our virtual assistants! The entire platform is online and emphasizes mobile compatibility. With busy professionals who are on the road so often, plus the tendency to work remotely recently, a widespread platform like Workbright accessible from virtually anywhere is very useful. Just like the way our virtual assistants work remotely, making them accessible to their teams and leaders from almost anywhere. Starting to see the parallels? Workbright has all the features and flexibility needed to help HR teams perform their work as efficiently as possible. As well as allow new employees to go through the joining process in the same way. This software guides both HR teams and new employees in an efficient and intuitive process that makes everyone work faster. What not to like about it?

Here are some of the things Workbright has in common with our virtual assistants.

What can Workbright do?

As mentioned above, the entire platform can be used 100% remotely. The ability to work from anywhere is a hot topic in the professional world, and Workbright is ahead of the curve with this toolkit. Using technology to automate not only national tasks but important time-consuming tasks are necessary these days. Most job hunters do this from a tablet or their phone, or even just a laptop in a coffee shop. They need software that adapts to the device they are using, easily and efficiently. Workbright does just that with its intuitive and customizable interface. You can tailor it to suit different business needs, and tailor it to your established processes. Workbright does not have to take over all of your human resources department, it just has to empower them to do what they already do, only better.

Safe and secure

With all this talk about technology and ease of use, what about warranty and accuracy? Workbright also thought of this, by enabling detailed control over all forms, fields, reports and management permissions across the platform. Not to mention an extensive system of reminders and alerts. You can customize and enable reminders and alerts for automated events for both HR and new employees. Request digital signatures, submit secure documents, report and export data, make bulk adjustments, and even check tax credits automatically. The entire recruitment process can be monitored remotely, with accurate accuracy and up-to-date information. Imagine transferring such powerful software to an experienced virtual professional. It would be like having an entire human resources team in one person!

Forms and compatibility

One of the most important aspects of human resources is keeping everything safe and legal for the company and the employee. With Workbright you have access to a powerful forms feature as well as protection against compatibility issues. Convert existing recruitment packages to a directory of smart forms, and send to receive digital signatures. Even Form I-9 can be done 100% remotely and immediately for E-Verify cases. No more manual entry with more opportunities for human error. Everything is ready for audit because all this data is automatically embedded with the time, date and IP address of the person who worked on it. Never worry about criticism again! A virtual human resources assistant can manage and review all the documents and packages for a human resources manager, and make sure everything is where it needs to be when it needs to be there, and with everything, it needs to be. Workbright even comes with guarantees that can result in reimbursement if any promises are not fulfilled or expectations are not met.

Human automation

As you can see, automation technology is not about getting people out of jobs and letting some artificial intelligence take over. It is about simplifying, streamlining and improving overall the processes that humans need to do, by integrating technology into these processes. Workbright strives to do just that, by providing HR people with the tools they need to make the entire recruitment and joining process easy for all involved. When you combine such a platform with a virtual assistant like ours, you get a recipe for a strong and effective human resources team with half the so-called calories. “Empowering people to get to workIs Workbright’s motto, and may be ours. Because that’s exactly what we do, only with professionals who work remotely and not with software. So mixing the two creates a professional powerhouse. And if today’s professional climate is any indicator, HR teams can really use a helping hand.

MyOutDesk + Workbright = proof of the future

A turbulent human resources world, to say the least right now. Recruiters are desperately trying to attract the right talent, while the talent is especially careful about where they devote their time and energy. The average time to hire someone new in the US is 43 days. Do you have more than a month to spare, just hire someone you do not even know will stay around? If you are a growing business, then you probably do not, and should not be anyway. Time is money, Stop wasting both of them.You can hire an assistant to your HR team, from us, in just one week.Then connect them to your local HR leader and software like Workbright, and see your HR troubles fade.Don’t believe us? Do you have some questions? Click on the link below to request a question and answer meeting with one of our experts, who will answer all your questions and determine if our service is right for you.

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