Virtual Assistant Near Me – AVA Virtual Assistance


Did you really just look for a virtual Assistant next to you? Lol! You understand why it’s funny, right?

True, I have had many clients over the years who have expressed a desire to have some closeness to the team. Most of the time, expression and transference to intimacy stem from the deeper need to be better at the “delivery” techniques of tasks or transferring tasks. Sometimes, you want to be closer to your VA so that you have someone to celebrate successes with.

Maybe you’re the one who wants a virtual assistant nearby so you can have a ‘personal meeting’ or someone to ‘make arrangements’ and so on. These types of requests are not intended for a virtual assistant, Rather a personal one. This is a common mistake when looking for the help you need. Assistants form part of this confusion even when performing roles outside of their job description; Assistants are kind by nature. We just can not resist.

Virtual Assistant vs. Personal Assistant

Determine if you are looking for a virtual assistant (as opposed to a personal assistant) by asking this question: Does the assistant need to get to my home / office, or even be in the same city as me to do the jobs I ask of them? If the answer is Yes, So you’re in the market to hire a personal assistant or type of secretary for your office, not a virtual one.

Did you know that, of course, Just loaded with tasks and unable to slow down long enough to consider a more accurate job description so you can work right the first time. You may also need more than one person. It’s okay to have a ‘boots on the ground’ assistant, and one you might never meet in real life – a little too zoomed in to handle back office management tasks.

Do not get stuck! Hire someone.

If you can not wrap your mind around who to hire now, start small. Pay for the biggest pain point in your day, then ask your new team member to help you determine who you might be hiring for your next business. At the very least, they may help you brainstorm and build a job description for the next assistant you bring.

Return after: I do not have to accept all the solutions, I just need to get to know someone who will help me find some.

Start somewhere, with someone. This will start creating the time needed for your day, to make even more time later. Do you have any questions? Contact Us.

Audrey Isabel
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